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Download Juknis BOS 2023 PDF: Informasi Terbaru tentang Dana BOSP untuk PAUD, Sekolah, dan Kesetaraa


Download Juknis BOS 2023 PDF: A Guide for Indonesian Schools

If you are an Indonesian school administrator, teacher, or parent, you may have heard of Juknis BOS 2023. Juknis BOS 2023 is a set of technical guidelines for managing the School Operational Assistance (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah, or BOS) funds in 2023. These funds are allocated by the government to support the operational costs of education services in various levels and types of schools in Indonesia.

In this article, we will explain what Juknis BOS 2023 is, how to download it in PDF format, and how to use it effectively. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about Juknis BOS 2023 at the end of the article.

download juknis bos 2023 pdf

What is Juknis BOS 2023?

Juknis BOS 2023 is a document issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi, or Kemdikbudristek) that contains the technical instructions for managing the BOS funds in 2023. The document is based on the Ministerial Regulation No. 63 of 2022 (Permendikbudristek No. 63 Tahun 2022) that regulates the provision and utilization of BOS funds.

The purpose and scope of Juknis BOS 2023

The purpose of Juknis BOS 2023 is to ensure that the BOS funds are used effectively, efficiently, transparently, accountably, and in accordance with the principles of good governance. The document also aims to provide clear and consistent guidance for all stakeholders involved in the management of BOS funds, such as school committees, principals, teachers, parents, students, regional governments, and Kemdikbudristek.

Download Juknis BOS Reguler 2023 Pdf

Download Juknis BOSP 2023 Pdf Kemdikbud

Download Juknis BOS 2023 Pdf Permendikbudristek No. 63

Download Juknis BOS 2023 Pdf untuk SD, SMP, SMA, SMK

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Download Juknis BOP PAUD 2023 Pdf

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The scope of Juknis BOS 2023 covers three types of education services that receive BOS funds in 2023. These are:

  • Early Childhood Education Services (Layanan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, or PAUD), which include kindergarten (taman kanak-kanak, or TK), playgroup (kelompok bermain, or KB), daycare (taman penitipan anak, or TPA), early childhood education unit (satuan pendidikan anak usia dini, or SPAUD), integrated early childhood education service unit (satuan layanan pendidikan anak usia dini terpadu, or SLPAUD), and early childhood education service center (pusat layanan pendidikan anak usia dini, or PLPAUD).

  • School Education Services (Layanan Pendidikan Sekolah, or LPS), which include primary school (sekolah dasar, or SD), junior high school (sekolah menengah pertama, or SMP), senior high school (sekolah menengah atas, or SMA), vocational high school (sekolah menengah kejuruan, or SMK), Islamic primary school (madrasah ibtidaiyah, or MI), Islamic junior high school (madrasah tsanawiyah, or MTs), Islamic senior high school (madrasah aliyah, or MA), Islamic vocational high school (madrasah aliyah kejuruan, or MAK), special education school (sekolah luar biasa, or SLB), and special education unit (satuan pendidikan inklusi, or SPI).

  • Equality Education Services (Layanan Pendidikan Kesetaraan, or LPK), which include package A (equivalent to SD/MI), package B (equivalent to SMP/MTs), package C (equivalent to SMA/MA/SMK/MAK), and life skills education (pendidikan kecakapan hidup, or PKH).

The main changes and updates in Juknis BOS 2023

Juknis BOS 2023 introduces some changes and updates from the previous Juknis BOS 2022. Some of the main changes and updates are:

  • The increase of BOS funds allocation for each type and level of education service. For example, the BOS funds allocation for SD/MI in 2023 is Rp 1.000.000 per student per year, compared to Rp 800.000 in 2022.

  • The simplification of the components and allocation of BOS funds for each type of education service. For example, the BOS funds for LPS in 2023 are divided into two components: operational costs (biaya operasional, or BO) and quality improvement costs (biaya peningkatan mutu, or BPM). The BO component is allocated based on the number of students and the BPM component is allocated based on the number of teachers.

  • The addition of new guidelines and requirements for managing BOS funds in 2023. For example, the Juknis BOS 2023 requires schools to use at least 20% of the BPM component for teacher professional development activities. The Juknis BOS 2023 also requires schools to report and publish the use of BOS funds through an online system called Sistem Informasi Manajemen Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (SIMDANA BOS).

How to download Juknis BOS 2023 PDF?

If you want to download Juknis BOS 2023 PDF, you can do so from several official sources that provide the document for free. These sources are:

The official sources of Juknis BOS 2023 PDF

The Kemdikbud website

The Kemdikbud website is the official website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. You can find Juknis BOS 2023 PDF on this website by following these steps:

  • Go to .

  • Click on the menu "Peraturan" on the top right corner of the homepage.

  • Click on the submenu "Juknis" under the menu "Peraturan".

  • Scroll down to find Juknis BOS 2023 PDF under the category "Juknis Tahun Anggaran 2023".

  • Click on the link "Download" next to Juknis BOS 2023 PDF.

The LupaData website

The LupaData website is a website that provides various data and information related to education in Indonesia. You can find Juknis BOS 2023 PDF on this website by following these steps:

  • Go to .

  • Click on the menu "Data" on the top left corner of the homepage.

  • Click on the submenu "Juknis" under the menu "Data".

the category "Juknis BOS 2023".

  • Click on the link "Download" next to Juknis BOS 2023 PDF.

The Lamopi website

The Lamopi website is a website that provides various resources and materials for teachers and students in Indonesia. You can find Juknis BOS 2023 PDF on this website by following these steps:

  • Go to .

  • Click on the menu "Download" on the top right corner of the homepage.

  • Click on the submenu "Juknis" under the menu "Download".

  • Scroll down to find Juknis BOS 2023 PDF under the category "Juknis BOS 2023".

  • Click on the link "Download" next to Juknis BOS 2023 PDF.

The steps to download Juknis BOS 2023 PDF from any source

No matter which source you choose to download Juknis BOS 2023 PDF from, you can follow these general steps to download and save the document on your device:

Find the PDF file on the web page

Once you have accessed the web page that contains Juknis BOS 2023 PDF, you need to locate the PDF file on the page. Usually, the PDF file will have a link that says "Download" or "Unduh" or something similar. You can also look for the PDF icon or the file name that ends with ".pdf".

Right-click on the PDF file and choose Save As

After you have found the PDF file, you need to right-click on it and choose the option "Save As" or "Simpan Sebagai" or something similar. This will open a dialog box that allows you to choose where and how to save the PDF file on your device.

Choose the location and name for the PDF file

In the dialog box, you can browse and select the folder or directory where you want to save the PDF file. You can also rename the PDF file if you want to. For example, you can name it "Juknis BOS 2023.pdf" or something else that is easy to remember and identify.

Open the PDF file with a PDF reader

Once you have saved the PDF file, you can open it with a PDF reader application or software. A PDF reader is a program that allows you to view, print, and edit PDF files. Some examples of popular PDF readers are Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit Reader, Sumatra PDF, and Google Chrome. You can choose any PDF reader that suits your preference and device compatibility.

How to use Juknis BOS 2023 PDF?

Now that you have downloaded Juknis BOS 2023 PDF, you may wonder how to use it effectively. Juknis BOS 2023 PDF is a comprehensive document that contains various information and instructions about managing BOS funds in 2023. Therefore, it is important to understand and follow its contents carefully.

In this section, we will highlight some of the key information and instructions that you need to know and apply when using Juknis BOS 2023 PDF. These include:

The components and allocation of BOS funds in 2023

Juknis BOS 2023 PDF provides a table that shows the components and allocation of BOS funds for each type of education service in 2023. The table is shown below:

Type of Education ServiceComponent of BOS FundsAllocation of BOS Funds (Rp per student/teacher per year)


BPM PAUD300.000 x number of teachers

LPSBO LPSSD/MI: 1.000.000SMP/MTs: 1.200.000SMA/MA/SMK/MAK: 1.500.000SLB/SPI: 2.000.000

x number of teachers

LPKBO LPKPackage A: 1.000.000Package B: 1.200.000Package C: 1.500.000PKH: 1.500.000

BPM LPK300.000 x number of teachers

You can use this table to calculate the amount of BOS funds that your school or education service unit will receive in 2023. You can also use this table to plan and budget how to use the BOS funds for different purposes and activities.

The guidelines and requirements for managing BOS funds in 2023

Juknis BOS 2023 PDF also provides detailed guidelines and requirements for managing BOS funds in 2023. These include:

The roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders

Juknis BOS 2023 PDF defines the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders involved in the management of BOS funds, such as:

  • Kemdikbudristek, which is responsible for formulating, coordinating, supervising, and evaluating the policies and programs related to BOS funds.

  • Regional governments, which are responsible for distributing, monitoring, and evaluating the use of BOS funds in their respective regions.

  • School committees, which are responsible for participating, supporting, and overseeing the planning, implementation, reporting, and accountability of BOS funds in their respective schools.

  • Principals, which are responsible for planning, implementing, reporting, and accounting for the use of BOS funds in their respective schools.

  • Teachers, which are responsible for delivering quality education services and improving their professional competencies using BOS funds.

  • Parents, which are responsible for supporting and monitoring the use of BOS funds in their respective schools.

  • Students, which are responsible for receiving quality education services and participating in school activities using BOS funds.

The procedures and mechanisms for disbursing, using, reporting, and monitoring BOS funds

Juknis BOS 2023 PDF also explains the procedures and mechanisms for disbursing, using, reporting, and monitoring BOS funds in 2023. These include:

  • The disbursement of BOS funds from Kemdikbudristek to regional governments and from regional governments to schools or education service units. The disbursement is done through a bank transfer mechanism using a special account for BOS funds.

  • The use of BOS funds by schools or education service units for various purposes and activities that support the operational costs and quality improvement of education services. The use of BOS funds must follow the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, accountability, and good governance.

  • The reporting of BOS funds by schools or education service units to regional governments and by regional governments to Kemdikbudristek. The reporting is done through an online system called SIMDANA BOS that records the income and expenditure of BOS funds.

  • The monitoring of BOS funds by Kemdikbudristek, regional governments, school committees, principals, teachers, parents, students, and other stakeholders. The monitoring is done through various methods such as verification, evaluation, audit, supervision, inspection, investigation, and public participation.

The sanctions and consequences for misusing or violating BOS funds

Juknis BOS 2023 PDF also warns about the sanctions and consequences for misusing or violating BOS funds in 2023. These include:

  • The reduction or termination of BOS funds allocation for schools or education service units that misuse or violate BOS funds.

  • The return or compensation of BOS funds that are misused or violated by schools or education service units.

or dismissals for school officials or personnel that misuse or violate BOS funds.

  • The legal sanctions such as civil lawsuits or criminal charges for school officials or personnel that misuse or violate BOS funds.

Conclusion and FAQs

In conclusion, Juknis BOS 2023 PDF is a document that provides technical guidelines for managing the BOS funds in 2023. It is important for Indonesian schools and education service units to download, understand, and follow Juknis BOS 2023 PDF to ensure the effective, efficient, transparent, accountable, and good governance of BOS funds. Juknis BOS 2023 PDF can be downloaded from several official sources such as the Kemdikbud website, the LupaData website, and the Lamopi website. Juknis BOS 2023 PDF contains various information and instructions about the components and allocation of BOS funds, the guidelines and requirements for managing BOS funds, and the sanctions and consequences for misusing or violating BOS funds.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Juknis BOS 2023 PDF:

Q: What is the difference between BOP and BPM?

A: BOP stands for biaya operasional, which means operational costs. BPM stands for biaya peningkatan mutu, which means quality improvement costs. BOP is used to cover the basic operational costs of education services, such as salaries, utilities, maintenance, learning materials, and student activities. BPM is used to support the quality improvement of education services, such as teacher professional development, curriculum development, learning innovation, and school accreditation.

Q: How can I check the balance and transaction history of my BOS funds account?

A: You can check the balance and transaction history of your BOS funds account by logging in to SIMDANA BOS using your username and password. SIMDANA BOS is an online system that records the income and expenditure of BOS funds. You can access SIMDANA BOS through this link: .

Q: What are some examples of activities that I can use BPM funds for?

A: Some examples of activities that you can use BPM funds for are:

  • Attending training, workshop, seminar, or conference related to your subject matter or pedagogy.

  • Enrolling in online courses or programs that enhance your knowledge or skills.

  • Purchasing books, journals, software, or equipment that support your teaching or learning process.

  • Conducting action research or classroom innovation that improve your teaching or learning outcomes.

  • Applying for school accreditation or certification that recognize your school quality.

Q: What are some examples of activities that I cannot use BOS funds for?

A: Some examples of activities that you cannot use BOS funds for are:

  • Paying for personal expenses such as food, clothing, entertainment, or travel.

  • Purchasing goods or services that are not related to education services such as cars, motorcycles, furniture, or electronics.

  • Donating or lending money to other parties such as individuals, organizations, or political parties.

  • Investing or saving money in banks or other financial institutions.

  • Corrupting or embezzling money for personal gain or benefit.

Q: What should I do if I encounter any problems or difficulties in using Juknis BOS 2023 PDF?

A: If you encounter any problems or difficulties in using Juknis BOS 2023 PDF, you can contact the following parties for assistance:

  • Your school committee or principal for internal issues related to planning, implementing , reporting, and accounting for BOS funds.

  • Your regional government or Kemdikbudristek for external issues related to distributing, monitoring, and evaluating BOS funds.

  • The BOS Helpdesk for technical issues related to accessing, downloading, or using Juknis BOS 2023 PDF or SIMDANA BOS. You can contact the BOS Helpdesk through this phone number: 021-1500-533.

I hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and have a great day! 44f88ac181

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