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Goose Goose Duck: A Space Station Adventure Game for Windows PC - APKPure


Goose Goose Duck: A Fun and Quirky Social Deduction Game

If you are looking for a game that will test your lying skills, challenge your logic, and make you laugh out loud, then you should try out Goose Goose Duck. This is a thrilling game that borrows from the format of the popular hit game, Among Us. However, instead of playing astronauts in a spaceship, players assume the roles of geese and ducks on a space station. The objective of the game is to either survive (if you are a goose) or eliminate all the geese (if you are a duck). Sounds simple enough, right? Well, not quite. There are many twists and turns that make this game fun and quirky.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Goose Goose Duck, including how to play it, how to download it, and how to master it. We will also answer some of the most frequently asked questions about this game. So, without further ado, let's get started!

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How to play Goose Goose Duck

The gameplay of Goose Goose Duck is similar to other social deduction games, such as Mafia, Secret Hitler, and The Resistance. The basic idea is that there are two teams: the good guys (geese) and the bad guys (ducks). The geese have to work together to complete tasks around the map, while the ducks have to secretly sabotage their efforts and kill them. The game ends when either all the ducks are eliminated or all the geese are dead.

However, there are many elements that make this game unique and exciting. Here are some of them:

The roles: geese and ducks

At the beginning of each game, each player is randomly assigned a role: either a goose or a duck. The geese do not know who the other geese are, but they can trust each other. The ducks know who the other ducks are, but they have to pretend to be geese. There is also a special role called the Dodo Bird, which is a neutral role that wins by getting killed.

The geese have two main objectives: to complete tasks and to find the ducks. The tasks are mini-games that require skill or luck, such as fixing wires, scanning fingerprints, or playing tic-tac-toe. Completing tasks fills up a progress bar that indicates how close the geese are to winning. Finding the ducks involves calling emergency meetings or reporting dead bodies, where players can discuss and vote on who they think is a duck. If a majority of votes is reached, the player with the most votes is ejected from the game.

The ducks have one main objective: to kill all the geese. The ducks can kill geese by using their knife or by using special abilities that vary depending on the map or the game mode. For example, some ducks can vent, disguise, clone, or hypnotize other players. Killing geese reduces the progress bar and increases the chances of the ducks winning. However, the ducks have to be careful not to get caught or exposed by the geese.

The maps: S.S. Mothergoose, Mallard Manor, Jungle Temple, etc.

One of the most appealing aspects of Goose Goose Duck is the variety of maps that players can choose from. Each map has a different theme, layout, and set of tasks. Some of the maps are:

  • S.S. Mothergoose: This is the default map that resembles a space station. It has three floors and many rooms, such as the cockpit, the cafeteria, the engine room, and the greenhouse. Some of the tasks include aligning the telescope, watering the plants, and refueling the rocket.

  • Mallard Manor: This is a map that resembles a haunted mansion. It has two floors and many rooms, such as the library, the dining room, the ballroom, and the basement. Some of the tasks include playing the piano, lighting candles, and finding keys.

  • Jungle Temple: This is a map that resembles an ancient temple in a jungle. It has one floor and many rooms, such as the altar, the treasure room, the snake pit, and the secret passage. Some of the tasks include solving puzzles, collecting gems, and avoiding traps.

There are also other maps that are available for special occasions or events, such as Trick or Treat (a Halloween-themed map), Snowy Station (a winter-themed map), and Goosemas Village (a Christmas-themed map).

The game modes: Classic, Draft, Trick or Treat, etc.

Another feature that makes Goose Goose Duck fun and diverse is the different game modes that players can choose from. Each game mode has a different set of rules and objectives that affect how the game is played. Some of the game modes are:

Goose Goose Duck download for Windows PC

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How to customize your goose or duck in Goose Goose Duck

How to host a private game in Goose Goose Duck

How to report a hacker or a glitch in Goose Goose Duck

How to unlock new maps and modes in Goose Goose Duck

How to voice chat with other players in Goose Goose Duck

How to invite friends to play Goose Goose Duck

How to change your name and avatar in Goose Goose Duck

How to earn coins and rewards in Goose Goose Duck

How to rank up and level up in Goose Goose Duck

How to use emotes and gestures in Goose Goose Duck

How to vote and kick out a player in Goose Goose Duck

How to be a good goose or duck in Goose Goose Duck

How to find the best servers and lobbies in Goose Goose Duck

How to fix common errors and bugs in Goose Goose Duck

How to stream or record your gameplay in Goose Goose Duck

How to get free skins and hats in Goose Goose Duck

How to support the developers of Goose Goose Duck

How to get beta access and test new features in Goose Goose Duck

How to play with cross-platform players in Goose Goose Duck

How to switch between languages in Goose Goose Duck

How to mute or block a player in Goose Goose Duck

How to create your own custom map or mode in Goose Goose Duck

How to share your feedback and suggestions for Goat Goat Ducky

  • Classic: This is the standard game mode that follows the basic gameplay described above. There are two ducks and eight geese (or more depending on the number of players). The ducks can vent and kill with a cooldown timer. The geese can call emergency meetings and report dead bodies. The game ends when either all the ducks are eliminated or all the geese are dead.

  • Draft: This is a game mode that allows players to choose their roles and sub-roles before each game. There are two teams: Team Goose and Team Duck. Each team has a captain who picks one player from the opposite team to join their team until all players are assigned. Then, each player picks a sub-role from a list of options that grant them special abilities or disadvantages. The game follows the same rules as Classic mode.

  • Trick or Treat: This is a game mode that is only available during Halloween season. It follows the same rules as Classic mode, but with some spooky twists. There are two teams: Team Trick and Team Treat. Team Trick consists of two ducks who can kill with no cooldown timer but cannot vent. Team Treat consists of eight geese who can vent but cannot call emergency meetings or report dead bodies. The game ends when either all the ducks are eliminated or all the geese are dead.

There are also other game modes that are available for special occasions or events, such as Hide and Seek (a game mode where the ducks have to find and kill the geese who are hiding), Freeze Tag (a game mode where the ducks can freeze the geese who can be unfrozen by other geese), and Goosemas (a game mode where the geese have to deliver presents and the ducks have to steal them).

The sub-roles: Dodo Bird, Pelican, Morphling, etc.

One of the most interesting aspects of Goose Goose Duck is the variety of sub-roles that players can have in addition to their main roles. Sub-roles are special abilities or disadvantages that affect how players can interact with each other and the environment. Some of the sub-roles are:

  • Dodo Bird: This is a neutral sub-role that wins by getting killed. The Dodo Bird can vent and kill, but cannot vote or talk. The Dodo Bird has to act suspiciously and try to get voted out or killed by the ducks.

  • Pelican: This is a goose sub-role that can carry one dead body at a time. The Pelican can use the dead body as a shield, a weapon, or a disguise. The Pelican can also revive the dead body if they find a medkit.

  • Morphling: This is a duck sub-role that can transform into any other player for a limited time. The Morphling can use this ability to deceive, frame, or confuse other players. The Morphling can also copy the voice of the player they transform into.

There are also other sub-roles that are available for different game modes or maps, such as Vampire (a duck sub-role that can bite and infect other players), Cowboy (a goose sub-role that can lasso and drag other players), and Mummy (a duck sub-role that can curse and mummify other players).

The voice chat and proximity chat options

One of the most fun features of Goose Goose Duck is the voice chat and proximity chat options that allow players to communicate with each other in real time. Voice chat is a feature that lets players talk to each other using their microphones. Proximity chat is a feature that lets players hear each other based on their distance and location in the game. For example, if two players are close to each other, they can hear each other clearly, but if they are far away, they can barely hear each other or not at all.

Voice chat and proximity chat add a lot of immersion and realism to the game, as well as humor and drama. Players can use voice chat and proximity chat to cooperate, deceive, accuse, defend, joke, or scream. However, voice chat and proximity chat also have some limitations and rules. For example, players cannot talk during meetings or when they are dead. Players also have to respect each other and avoid being toxic or abusive.

How to download Goose Goose Duck

If you are interested in playing Goose Goose Duck, you might be wondering how to download it. Well, the good news is that this game is free to play and easy to install. Here are the steps you need to follow depending on your device:

For Windows PC: APKPure

If you want to play Goose Goose Duck on your Windows PC, you can use APKPure , which is an online platform that allows you to download and install Android apps on your PC. Here is how you can do it:

  • Download and install APKPure App Player on your PC.

  • Open APKPure App Player and search for Goose Goose Duck.

  • Select Goose Goose Duck

  • Select Install.

  • Select Open.

  • Enjoy playing Goose Goose Duck.

For mobile devices: Google Play Store

If you want to play Goose Goose Duck on your mobile device, you can use Google Play Store , which is an online platform that allows you to download and install Android apps on your device. Here is how you can do it:

  • Open Google Play Store on your device and search for Goose Goose Duck.

  • Select Goose Goose Duck.

  • Select Install.

  • Select Open.

  • Enjoy playing Goose Goose Duck.

For other platforms: Steam

If you want to play Goose Goose Duck on other platforms, such as Mac, Linux, or Nintendo Switch, you can use Steam , which is an online platform that allows you to download and install games on your device. Here is how you can do it:

  • Download and install Steam on your device.

  • Open Steam and create an account or log in to your existing account.

  • Search for Goose Goose Duck.

  • Select Goose Goose Duck.

  • Select Add to Cart.

  • Select Purchase for Myself.

  • Select Install Game.

  • Select Play Game.

  • Enjoy playing Goose Goose Duck.

Tips and tricks for Goose Goose Duck

Now that you know how to play and download Goose Goose Duck, you might be wondering how to master it. Well, there is no definitive answer to that, as different players have different styles and strategies. However, we can give you some general tips and tricks that might help you improve your skills and have more fun. Here are some of them:

How to lie effectively and avoid suspicion

If you are a duck, lying is your best friend. You have to convince the geese that you are one of them, while secretly plotting their demise. However, lying is not easy, especially when other players are watching your every move and questioning your every word. Here are some ways to lie effectively and avoid suspicion:

  • Have an alibi: When a body is reported or a meeting is called, you should have a plausible explanation of where you were and what you were doing. You can use the map, the tasks, or the vents to create an alibi that matches your location and activity. You can also use other players as your alibi, by claiming that you were with them or near them.

  • Mimic a goose: One of the best ways to lie is to act like a goose. You can do this by pretending to do tasks, following other geese, calling meetings, reporting bodies, or voting for other ducks. You can also use your voice chat or proximity chat to sound innocent, confused, or angry.

  • Sow doubt and confusion: Another way to lie is to create doubt and confusion among the geese. You can do this by accusing other players, spreading rumors, changing your story, or contradicting yourself. You can also use your sub-role abilities, such as venting, disguising, cloning, or hypnotizing, to frame or mislead other players.

How to use logic and deduction to find the ducks

If you are a goose, logic and deduction are your best friends. You have to use your brain and your eyes to find the ducks among the geese, while avoiding their traps and lies. However, logic and deduction are not easy, especially when other players are lying or clueless. Here are some ways to use logic and deduction to find the ducks:

  • Pay attention to the details: One of the best ways to find the ducks is to pay attention to the details. You can do this by observing the map, the tasks, the vents, the bodies, or the votes. You can also use your voice chat or proximity chat to listen to other players' voices, words, or tones.

  • Ask questions and gather information: Another way to find the ducks is to ask questions and gather information. You can do this by interrogating other players, checking their alibis, verifying their tasks, or comparing their stories. You can also use your sub-role abilities, such as scanning fingerprints or lassoing other players, to confirm or deny their roles.

  • Use logic and deduction to narrow down the suspects: The final way to find the ducks is to use logic and deduction to narrow down the suspects. You can do this by eliminating the players who are confirmed geese, such as those who have been scanned, revived, or vouched for. You can also use the process of elimination, contradiction, or inconsistency to identify the players who are likely ducks.

How to cooperate with your team and communicate well

Whether you are a goose or a duck, cooperation and communication are essential for your success. You have to work with your team and communicate well to achieve your objectives and win the game. However, cooperation and communication are not easy, especially when there are trust issues, language barriers, or technical difficulties. Here are some ways to cooperate with your team and communicate well:

  • Use voice chat and proximity chat wisely: One of the best ways to cooperate and communicate is to use voice chat and proximity chat wisely. You can do this by speaking clearly, listening carefully, and being respectful. You can also use voice chat and proximity chat strategically, such as whispering, shouting, or muting.

  • Use gestures and signals: Another way to cooperate and communicate is to use gestures and signals. You can do this by using your mouse, keyboard, or controller to move, point, nod, shake, or dance. You can also use gestures and signals creatively, such as drawing, writing, or emoting.

  • Use codes and conventions: The final way to cooperate and communicate is to use codes and conventions. You can do this by using abbreviations, acronyms, or slang terms that are commonly used in the game. You can also use codes and conventions that are agreed upon by your team, such as colors, numbers, or symbols.

How to customize your goose with cosmetics

One of the most fun features of Goose Goose Duck is the ability to customize your goose with cosmetics. Cosmetics are items that you can use to change the appearance of your goose, such as hats, glasses, masks, outfits, or accessories. Cosmetics do not affect the gameplay or the roles of the players, but they add a lot of personality and flair to the game.

You can customize your goose with cosmetics by accessing the Cosmetic Shop, which is located in the main menu of the game. There you can browse through different categories of cosmetics, such as Hats, Eyes, Masks, Bodies, or Miscellaneous. You can also preview how each cosmetic item looks on your goose before buying it.

To buy cosmetics, you need to use Eggs, which are the in-game currency of Goose Goose Duck. You can earn Eggs by playing games, completing tasks, winning rounds, or leveling up. You can also buy Eggs with real money if you want to support the developers of the game.


In conclusion, Goose Goose Duck is a fun and quirky social deduction game that will keep you entertained for hours. It has many features that make it unique and exciting, such as different roles, maps, game modes, sub-roles, voice chat, proximity chat, and cosmetics. It is also free to play and easy to download on various platforms, such as Windows PC, mobile devices, or Steam. If you are looking for a game that will test your lying skills, challenge your logic, and make you laugh out loud, then you should try out Goose Goose Duck today. You will not regret it!


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Goose Goose Duck:

What is the difference between Goose Goose Duck and Among Us?

Goose Goose Duck and Among Us are both social deduction games that follow a similar format: there are two teams (geese and ducks in Goose Goose Duck, crewmates and impostors in Among Us) that have to either complete tasks or kill each other. However, there are also many differences between the two games, such as:

  • Goose Goose Duck has more roles, maps, game modes, sub-roles, voice chat, proximity chat, and cosmetics than Among Us.

  • Goose Goose Duck has a more cartoonish and humorous style than Among Us, which has a more realistic and serious style.

  • Goose Goose Duck is free to play on all platforms, while Among Us is free to play on mobile devices but costs money on PC and Nintendo Switch.

How many players can play Goose Goose Duck at once?

The maximum number of players that can play Goose Goose Duck at once is 16. However, the optimal number of players depends on the map, the game mode, and the sub-roles that are chosen. Generally, the more players there are, the more fun and chaotic the game becomes.

What are some of the best sub-roles to play as in Goose Goose Duck?

The best sub-roles to play as in Goose Goose Duck depend on your personal preference and play style. However, some of the most popular and fun sub-roles are:

  • Dodo Bird: This is a neutral sub-role that wins by getting killed. It is very fun to play as because you have to act suspiciously and try to get voted out or killed by the ducks.

  • Pelican: This is a goose sub-role that can carry one dead body at a time. It is very fun to play as because you can use the dead body as a shield, a weapon, or a disguise.

  • Morphling: This is a duck sub-role that can transform into any other player for a limited time. It is very fun to play as because you can deceive, frame, or confuse other players.

How can I report bugs or give feedback on Goose Goose Duck?

If you encounter any bugs or issues while playing Goose Goose Duck, or if you have any suggestions or feedback on how to improve the game, you can report them or share them with the developers of the game. You can do this by:

  • Contacting them via email at

Contacting them via Discord at

Contacting them via Twitter at

Contacting them via Reddit at

Where can I find more information about Goose Goose Duck?

If you want to find more information about Goose Goose Duck, such as the latest news, updates, events, guides, tips, tricks, or memes, you can visit the following sources:

The official website of the game at

The official wiki of the game at

The official YouTube channel of the game at

The official Twitch channel of the game at


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